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Artificial I

Yes not misspelled and my title is right: Artificial I.
Lets us zoom for a second on 'why' and 'what' and then we can have a look at 'when'.

Look at yourself in the mirror for 1 min. until you have your image in your memory.
(Warning: to some the experience may be to much to take.
I am not joking or alluding to anything here.
Simply stating the fact that this process is deeply personal and may evoke number of complex emotions. Some of them may be not as pleasant as you would expect it.)
Then sit yourself somewhere comfortably and close your eyes.
Concentrate and try to bring your image back. You may succeed or you may not.
It all depends on your brain ability to recall the images quickly and reliably over time as well as strange desire and ability to forget certain images.
Now you probably slowly starting to realize by yourself is 'why' :)
We need some sort of third party involvement here to help us along way as we have our limitations.
Third party which is completely impartial and independent to help us remember and not just ourselves :)
But does it really that impartial and independent?
Now if we really think we can say:
Well it will be some humans who will design and implement it.
It then will be translated into the machine language via high level programming language which we humans invented along with the machine hardware.
It is all US!
We are in the loop here. Yes the desire to be an Artificial I is totally us and no one else's.
Its coming deep from within our desire for survival.
It is programmed in our genetic code. So the question is then:
Are we driven to this by our own biological programming?
And since we are not (not yet) in total control of our bio genetic code when why?
Why are we driven to become an Artificial I?
We are in the loop again. We asked 'why' and ended up staring at ourselves in the mirror.
Hold on but we can't even hold on to our own image for more than a few minutes :)
The question 'why' points back to us. Because we exist that is 'why'.
A lot of people will be in the denial.
It is hard to stare at yourself in the mirror and face the truth.

Lets see if we can answer that question.
See above:
'It will be translated to the machine language via high level programming language which we humans invented along with the machine hardware.'
The only problem which still exist but gets weaker and weaker is the language barrier between us and machine hardware. We don't speak the same language.
This is not a big barrier as the language in itself an Artificial construct.
We all speak different human made artificial languages anyway - French, Spanish, English, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Italian etc.
A lot of people will be upset to hear this. Especially those who only speak one language.
But I can speak two and can understand another three intuitively. I can reconstruct the meaning based on various parameters like intonation, tone, facial expressions, hand movements  and other subtleties.
Sometimes it all jumbles up inside the brain and comes out as a stream of conscience with different words from different languages and its all does make sense to me.
There is no predefined rules for language to exist. Well again it needs us to exist.
Anyone can invent its own language as Tolkien proved with his 'Elvish'.
(visit '' for joyful Elvish interactions if you are interested)
OK so what is the point? There is none to be candid.
Simply with the time we will be able to directly talk to machines via our high level language.
We will evolve them. Both languages and machines I mean.
Just like our own human languages evolved over the time.
I don't think HMI is going to be the dominant way we will interface with machines.
I think it will be a more of a combination of high language and HMI.

Already been answered by many people many people before me.
It already happened as far as we humans are concerned.
I am not going to bother you mentioning: Matrix, Terminator etc.
I will only recommend to watch Stanley Kubrick's '2001: Space Odyssey'
Made in 1968 it will be exactly 50 years next year.
My favourite bits are when one of the characters passes bio metric authentication test using his voice speaking to the lady in the monitor, as well as when the main character (who survived the murderous super computer HAL on board of his spaceship) travel in space and time and arrives to his place and sees himself as an old man.
To me this is Kubrick's finest moments. Time is an Artificial construct and he proves it.
You need to see it. A lot of hidden references to Einstein in my humble opinion - relative nature of time and space etc.

I don't think we will lose our humanity in any shape or form as many are afraid.
We are in transitioning period and slowly but surely it will happen.

Now for a bit of humanity and to Artificial Me:


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