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Fight for the Light within

Finally I understand.
Or it seems that I do.
There is no Attainment.
My whole approach to life around me was and is wrong.
The energies around me is not be controlled, they are to be adapted to and allowed to freely pass without interferring.
John Lennon sang about it in his 'Fool on the Hill'. But his main theme was somewhat passive and reflective - 'See the world going round'.
The true mastery is when you are riding the never ending 'merry-go-round' of life energies like a surfer - using high waves to propel you forward to the shore of your goals and destiny. 
Inevitably will be the times when I will fall and will have to climb back on my board and attempt to catch the next wave. 
Will be the times when I will be scared by the magnitude of the wave coming towards me and possibly the sharks swimming nearby. 
I will see other people drowning and not reaching the shore and shouting to me: 'Its hopeless we will all drown'.
Will be times when I will be fully submerged, thrown and dragged without oxygen under waves of time and not knowing what is coming next. 
I will be in total darkness.
In this times I have to believe and know that the light is only within. 
I will have to not give up to darkness and fight.

Fight for the Light within.

Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha


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