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Cloud Wars

Cloud Wars are upon us.
We had no choice and no one really asked us whether we want them.
They came to bind us all.
Those who live with their heads in the clouds and feet on the ground will survive.
Those who don't won't. It is irrelevant what you think or do.
Very few people are really think and know what is really going.
The Developer as it was and is now will disappear. You can develop whatever you want and eventually it will be offered as a Service by them. You too small and no one can see you.
They will swallow everything and everyone. The idea is very neat and smart.
If you hold the 'Shift' key and type number 4 it will give you an answer - $.
Yes it is 4 big Cloud providers out there: Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon and Google (MOAG)
Everything will run in the Cloud (MOAG). Even if you crazy talented and develop something outstanding and use MOAG to run your next big thing eventually they will swallow you.
Think Netflix on Amazon. Netflix was a king until Amazon created its own Netflix and called it Amazon Prime. You can innovate like crazy and think you can outsmart them.
Think again. Whatever you invent will end up in the Cloud sooner or later.
One Cloud to rule them all and in the Darkness bind them :)
They will have visibility into everything what is running on their Clouds by other companies.
Retail, Engineering, Genetic Research etc. etc.  and you can't hide. Anything worth copying and re-engineering will be. Its a free market. By the time you find out about something they will already forget about it. You never in front and always behind.
Enough said. The future is bright.


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