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Locomotive Breath

Living through the transition period is quite extradionary. We all kinda know and anticipate the outcome but not in a position to do anything about it. Like watching your train leaving the station and taking you for a ride. Matrix showed us the final result with humans being used to power machines. We all in one or the other way using our own energies to breathe the life in cold metal - building networks, programming and maintaining computers. They getting smarter and smarter and we are all excited about the possibilities of artificial intelligence. But the train will arrive to the next station and it will be our turn to get off. The train will be smart enough to move on its own without us. The train will be smart enough to look for sources of alternative energy if we try to stop it. Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath
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Fight for the Light within

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I have been playing with F5 LTM APM since 2012 and noticed that it is getting popular and more prominent. The easy interface and configuration makes a tool of professional choice. I have advising many network teams on how to configure and properly use F5 with different vendors IAM. It is even more important as F5 has Virtual Edition meaning you can design your private cloud IAM and enjoy F5 SSO to your protected apps. The trick is to make sure you have license for the Application Policy Manager - APM. As you can see from the screenshot above once APM is licensed it is just one pull-down from the menu. You can configure F5 to be your SAML IDP or SP the choice is limited to your imagination. In the next posts I will walk through typical SAML SSO setup with Oracle Access Manager Stay tuned :)

Security Software and the Cowboy pants

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Linus hasn’t received any recommendations yet.

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